All we need is love

We are short on brotherly-love in our day. I am saying this on the heels of the loss of Sandra Bland and the Chattanooga, TN shooting.

People seem to be enthralled in their mobile device(s) and their own “stuff” to have time for their neighbor. This is a problem! How can we be upset at terrible happenings when we are turning cold shoulders to those around us on an daily basis? I’m not trying to start a global movement here. I just think that some local love can go a LONG way.

The other day my family and I were on a road trip to see some friends of ours that had come to our area. On our way to meet them, we stopped for some breakfast. Outside sat a homeless fellow with a sign that read ‘God bless.’

I told him “good morning brother” as we walked past.

I thought about how good my breakfast from this place was going to be. So, I ordered two!

When we were heading back to our car, I asked him if he had eaten breakfast yet. He shook his head and said “no.” I handed him the bag with his delicious bacon, egg and cheese biscuit in it.

I didn’t do this because I wanted to puff my chest up for the rest of the day or because I wanted recognition. I almost didn’t write about it in here because I it isn’t important to me for people to know about.

However, what is important to me is the feeling I got inside. And more… the feeling that he got! He smiled and said “Thanks brother!”

I could almost hear the hunger pains leaving him.

“This is what it feels like to love a neighbor.” I thought.

That thought stayed with me all day. It made me want to do it again and again!

Can you imagine if we each loved someone else just a little bit everyday? Let someone go in front of you in traffic, hold the door for someone you don’t know, pay for the person behind you in the drive through or toll bridge. You never know how far a little can go.